Contact us

Contact us

img_Kone office lobby_contact


P.O. Box 35174-00100

Crowne Plaza Annexe, 13th Floor

Along Kenya Road

Nairobi, Kenya

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KONE Customer Care

0800 720 130

Open 24 hours for service calls to report emergency or elevator issue


KONE Customer Service

0800 720 130

Customer Service is open on Weekdays from 9 AM to 6 PM for general requests and queries.

How can we help you?

Please fill in the form and we'll contact you as soon as possible.

Sample form

How can we help you? *|I am interested in a KONE product or service|I want to contact KONE customer service


My query is about *|Installing new equipment in a new building|Installing new equipment in an existing building|Repairing or upgrading existing equipment|Maintenance|Other
Equipment/service type *|Elevators|Autowalks|Escalators|24/7 Connected Services|Smart building solutions|People Flow planning services|Other
Equipment/service type *|Elevators|Autowalks|Escalators|24/7 Connected Services|Smart building solutions|People Flow planning services|Health and wellbeing|Other

Please notice, that when you submit this form, we will be collecting your personal data. For more information about personal data processing, please see our Privacy Statement.


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